Family lawyers specialise in legal issues that impact family relationships, such as divorce or child custody disputes, as well as estate planning concerns.

Becoming a Scammell family lawyer Adelaide requires either an undergraduate law degree, a conversion course or a pupillage for non-law graduates. Key skills necessary include critical time management and the ability to work empathetically through emotionally unpredictable situations.

Child custody

Custody and visitation are two of the key issues in family law, so having an attorney who specialises in this field can help you secure an arrangement that best meets your situation. Custody may be divided into legal or physical custody. Legal custody gives decision-makers rights such as choosing where a child will attend school, what religion to practice and what medical treatments they will receive – so judges may award either joint legal custody to both parents or sole legal custody to one.

If a parent has an addiction history, courts may deny them custody as it poses a potential threat to the safety and well-being of their children. If, however, they have completed rehabilitation therapy sessions and now reside drug-free, courts might reconsider and award custody; depending on individual cases, the judge might order supervised visitation instead; in others, they could grant shared physical custody arrangements.

Child support

Child support is money transferred between parents to meet a child’s financial needs. A court determines this figure based on various factors, including each parent’s income and the number of children involved. A family lawyer can assist in filing the necessary legal papers and provide insight into how your state’s laws impact your case.

Scammell family lawyer Adelaide can also be an invaluable resource if you require modification of child support payments. Your attorney can assist in showing that there has been a substantial change in circumstances and helping request this modification.

Many states offer formulas and worksheets to assist with calculating how much child support you owe. Usually, gross income percentage is used as the benchmark to establish what amounts are owed; education expenses, medical costs and childcare costs should also be factored into payments; otherwise, your employer can garnish wages to collect.

Abuse and neglect

Abuse and neglect allegations have serious ramifications on child custody arrangements for pending and post-divorce situations, so if you’ve been accused of abuse yourself or are facing accusations from others, hiring a family lawyer to protect your rights is essential to protect them effectively.

Abuse encompasses physical, psychological, or emotional harm to an individual or child. Physical abuse includes acts such as shaking, beating, slapping, kicking, pinching and burning, while psychological or emotional abuse might include belittling, belittling, berating, ignoring and harassing children. Neglect is any pattern of failure to provide necessities of life such as food, clothing, shelter, affection, education medical care. Withholding money could mean forgoing medical supplies, medications or living expenses for the disabled person living within their household.


Scammell family lawyer Adelaide provides invaluable support during divorce proceedings. It may involve negotiating property settlements, setting custody/visitation arrangements, and arranging child support payments. A family attorney can also help their clients if there are concerns about domestic violence.

Divorce lawyers must possess excellent interpersonal skills when communicating with their clients and understandably explaining the complex legal process. Furthermore, they must be adept at negotiating with other attorneys and court staff members as needed.

Many states mandate divorce mediation before issuing a final divorce decree, so family lawyers can assist their clients in preparing and representing them if needed during this process. Furthermore, family lawyers may also help their clients with other legal aspects related to ending their marriage, such as spousal support calculations based on the duration and income level of both parties involved in it.

When you hire a family law attorney, you can rest assured that they will work diligently to protect your rights and those of your children. They will fight for you in court if necessary and make sure that all of the proper steps are taken to ensure that your case is resolved in a timely manner. In addition, these professionals are familiar with the trials and tribulations that can occur when people violate the terms of a court order.